Panfora - Oil & Gas
Panfora Oil & Gas
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Areas of activity

Areas of Activity

EX-6 Curtici

Panfora is licensed by the Romanian Government and the National Agency for Mineral Resources for exploring and exploiting conventional hydrocarbons in Ex-6 Curtici Block, in the Arad County. 

The company uses cutting edge technology to perform the work, having a minimum impact on environment and communities. The exploration work programme consists of a 3D Geophysical surface measurement and, at a later stage, drilling a maximum of four (4) wells, searching for new conventional hydrocarbons, oil and natural gas in conventional rock formations. All the scientific data that the company will collect, and processes will be the property of the Romanian Government. 

Panfora is not looking for shale gas and will not use any explosives or hydraulic fracturing. 

To perform 3D Geophysical Surface measurement, the company uses modern soundwave-based technologies to determine the potential for conventional hydrocarbons before drilling wells. This method bares minimal to no effects on the soil, crops and the local communities. During the planning of the 3D Geophysical Surface measurement, the company has taken into consideration agricultural importance of the area and local’s opinion. Therefore, the measurements will be performed on public roads by special trucks using small microphones, driving around without blocking the traffic. 

Beside the 3D Geophysical Surface measurement, in 2021, Panfora will perform drillings in areas that already shown a high potential,

Panfora has commissioned Acoustic Geophysical Services, an experienced geophysical surveyor in Romania, to conduct surface measurement operations in the EX-6 Curtici.

EX-1 and EX-5

Panfora is having minority interests of 30% in EX-1 and 20% in EX-5 blocks, where the majority is held by Sand Hill Petroleum Romania SRL. In the Ex-1 block the two companies already shot a large 3D Geophysical surface measurement, drilled one well and plan to drill a couple of more exploration wells based on the results of the measurement. In Ex-5 block, permitting of 3D Geophysical surface measurement started and one well was already drilled.

Safe operations in Romania

We are committed to avoiding, minimizing, mitigating or compensating any environmental or social impact, following the highest standards for protecting health and environment.

Expertise and experience

We are a part of a leading international, integrated oil and gas company with over 80 years of experience and a proven track record, valuable exploration assets in 14 countries as well as producing assets in 9 countries.